You KNOW you really need to come up with a system for your coupons. Where are your coupons? Flying all over the car when you roll down the windows? Are they falling off the top of the microwave like a coupon avalanche? Yes, you. You know who I'm talking about. I used to be the same way. I'm still not perfectly organized, but I do have my coupons under control finally. They can't save you money if you can't find them when you need them.
So this blog post is for you.
Amy Bergin, the mom-inventor behind the Couponizer coupon organizing system, emailed me with a special offer ... 10% off your entire order! Use discount code STARTNOW . This code expires 10/15/08.
With each Couponizer order comes a copy of the book "Greatest Secrets of the Coupon Mom" by Stephanie Nelson, an $18 value for FREE, while supplies last.