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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wild Birds Unlimited Snellville GA

Wild Birds Unlimited is the best store to go to if you want to attract a certain type of bird to your yard (in my case, Cardinals) and would like to not attract another type of bird (in my case, Bluejays). You can buy a mix of seeds that will attract the particular bird you want.

The staff knows what to recommend, they care about getting the sale but aren't irritating about it - they just advise and help. They know their stuff. If you are having trouble keeping squirrels out of your bird feeders, they know what to recommend for your particular case. The store sells birdbaths and bird feeders of many types.

I would say the seeds are generally higher priced than the seeds you can buy in the grocery store, but the seeds are better quality.

You may like birds but not really see the point of feeding them. Encouraging birds to nest near your house is a natural pest control, because birds feed live insects to their young.

If you have children, this is a very educational store to visit.