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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Curbside Bargains

I picked up (literally) some 100% off deals today. Paid zero bucks!
I call it "dumpster diving" but there wasn't really a dumpster involved.
Just people who were moving and left a lot of great stuff out by their curb.

It's a great reminder that there is good stuff for free, if you keep your eyes open!

I found a 4'x6' Sisal rug with a black border in great condition similar to this (but I'm washing it) ...looked online, and they retail for anywhere from $15 to $70 for the type I picked up. It even has a non slip backing.

I also found a black wood picture frame with glass and mat. The mat holds four 4"x6" photos. The mat isn't great quality, so depending on cost of getting a mat cut out of better materials, I might do that. A couple little chips in the black paint. It took 2 seconds to fix that with a black Sharpie marker. The sad part was removing the wedding photos from the frame. The couple must be splitting -- I can't imagine throwing wedding photos away. The photo works great for me, because it has the 4 photo openings, and we have 4 kids! So I'm going to put a photo of each child in each opening.

I also found an oak kitchen chair, almost the same style as what we use, and we do need a new kitchen chair. It will require some repair with sawdust and wood glue, but I am fairly confident I can fix it up. I know these sell for about $60 each usually.

There were actually a lot of great things out by the curb, but I was limited in time because my kids were in the car and the amount of space I had in the car, having just left the grocery store. I'd love to go back, but since that time it has rained so I'm sure most things are ruined.